
Depression Help

Depression- We see it too often. It affects more than 40M Americans each year. Isabel was among those, so we tried our best to cheer her up. She was so grateful, she stopped by to say thank you. If you or someone you know needs help, call the suicide prevention @ 1-800-273-8255  

Rough Times, Kind Deputy

Our road patrol deputies responded to a shoplifting in progress at a local Supermarket. The suspect, a young mother named Alicia, got out of the store and made it home before our Street Team Deputy Thomas San Filippo located her. Alicia had stolen two boxes of diapers, sippy bottles, two toy cars, and a doll. She explained to us that she has been down on her luck and recently had to move in with her mom. She can no longer afford...

New year, new shoes

The difference a pair of new shoes can make! We partnered with our friends from In Jacob's Shoes to bring shoes and happiness to these group of kids from North Grade Elementary School. Many of these families have been affected economically by this pandemic. Make 2021 the year of selflessness.

It Takes a Village

Remember Alan? Alan’s bikes broke on Sunday. So he called Deputy Carseni and asked if she could help. So she did! Deputy Carseni took it to Village Bike Shop where they were able to fix it, so Alan can continue to use it to go to work. (see our first story on Alan here)