District 3

Today is the 31st Anniversary Homicide of Rachel Hurley

For Immediate Release Contact: Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS Text to: tips@cspbc.com Email to: www.crimestopperspbc.com Media Advisory Today is the 31st Anniversary Homicide of Rachel Hurley Someone out there knows who killed her!    Rachel, 14 years of age, was found raped and killed on March 17, 1990 at Carlin Park. ###

SCAM ALERT – BEWARE – Imposter claiming to be Criminal Justice Commission

** SCAM ALERT ** SCAM ALERT ** SCAM ALERT ** BEWARE … there is an imposter calling members of the community and claiming to be with the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission.  This imposter is advising the recipient of the call that he/she has a warrant for their arrest.  The imposter goes on to say that the warrant can be rectified by a dollar amount sent to the Dominican Republic. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!    If you receive a call...

PBSO is conducting TRAFFIC / Speed & Aggressive Driving Enforcement * Saturday, March 13, 2021 * 9 am – 5 pm *

For Immediate Release Contact:          Media Relations 688-3080 MEDIA ADVISORY Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is conducting a TRAFFIC / SPEED & AGGRESSIVE DRIVING ENFORCEMENT The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office DUI Enforcement Unit will be conducting a Traffic / Speed & Aggressive Driving Enforcement on Saturday, March 13, 2021.  Deputies will enforce Florida State Statutes for speeding and aggressive driving and educate the public on the dangers of excessive speed and aggressive driving. The locations of the saturation patrol will consist of different main roadways...

Operation Strike Heat nets 60 Arrests

Operation Strike Heat nets 60 arrests for Weapons, Drugs, and Driving Charges. The operation concentrated on crime offenses of narcotics (trafficking and sales), firearms, burglaries, robberies, and gang activity. It took place in the north end of Palm Beach County last weekend, April 12th & 13th, 2019 from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm. The areas of concentration were Unincorporated West Palm Beach, Riviera Beach, Town of Mangonia Park and Town of Lake Park. Sixty arrests were effected for weapons-related charges, narcotic...

Riviera Beach Homicide- Tommy Lee Neal Jr.

Your heart will break after you hear the crying pleads from the family of Tommy Lee Neal Jr. who was killed in a Riviera Beach Homicide. Someone out there needs to come forward and bring justice and closure to this family. FULL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/wQsTrZRawhQ  See all PBSO videos on our PBSO TV channel!  

Teen Rescued from Nearly Drowning Reunites with First Responders

First responders, including PBSO's Marine Unit hero, Joe Pollock, reunited with the teen who they prevented from nearly drowning. “I remember the feeling of helplessness when I was on the way up and I knew I wouldn’t make it up,” said Casey Staniszewski in a press conference after thanking everyone involved in his rescue, including his friend who was there with him, the medical staff at St Mary’s, the first responders from the Palm Beach County Sheriff Marine Unit, Palm...