District 4

Today is the 31st Anniversary Homicide of Rachel Hurley

For Immediate Release Contact: Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS Text to: tips@cspbc.com Email to: www.crimestopperspbc.com Media Advisory Today is the 31st Anniversary Homicide of Rachel Hurley Someone out there knows who killed her!    Rachel, 14 years of age, was found raped and killed on March 17, 1990 at Carlin Park. ###

Four Females Suspects WANTED for Strong Arm Robbery to Popeye’s Restaurant

Media Advisory Time:          1:14 pm Location:    7049 Seacrest Blvd (Popeye’s) PBSO Deputies responded to a strong armed robbery that just occurred to Popeye’s restaurant located in the 7000 block of Seacrest Blvd.  Upon arrival deputies learned a silver Nissan Sentra occupied by four (4) females entered the drive thru.  Upon reaching the window the female passenger/suspect got into a verbal argument with the employee/cashier, spat at and attacked the employee/cashier. Two other suspects got out of the vehicle and began attacking two...

SCAM ALERT – BEWARE – Imposter claiming to be Criminal Justice Commission

** SCAM ALERT ** SCAM ALERT ** SCAM ALERT ** BEWARE … there is an imposter calling members of the community and claiming to be with the Palm Beach County Criminal Justice Commission.  This imposter is advising the recipient of the call that he/she has a warrant for their arrest.  The imposter goes on to say that the warrant can be rectified by a dollar amount sent to the Dominican Republic. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!    If you receive a call...

PBSO is conducting TRAFFIC / Speed & Aggressive Driving Enforcement * Saturday, March 13, 2021 * 9 am – 5 pm *

For Immediate Release Contact:          Media Relations 688-3080 MEDIA ADVISORY Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is conducting a TRAFFIC / SPEED & AGGRESSIVE DRIVING ENFORCEMENT The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office DUI Enforcement Unit will be conducting a Traffic / Speed & Aggressive Driving Enforcement on Saturday, March 13, 2021.  Deputies will enforce Florida State Statutes for speeding and aggressive driving and educate the public on the dangers of excessive speed and aggressive driving. The locations of the saturation patrol will consist of different main roadways...

Loving Donations from Lovely Ladies

Thank you to the sweet "Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans of USA" for kindly donating stuffed animals and pajamas to our District, local Fire Dept. & Representatives of Children’s Hospitals to distribute to kids in traumatic situations. We serve and protect with our hearts. Believe it or not, a small gesture of love can make a huge difference in these children’s lives. Thank you!